With guidle you're simply present

At guidle we distribute digital ads in Switzerland and neighbouring countries. We are the efficient middleman between advertisers and consumers.

Media Services

Media Services

We bring your ads into the media

Entered 1 time, published everywhere.

Free ads available

for exhibitions, courses and events.

Managed Content

Managed Content

We deliver up-to-date content to you

We deliver content for your presence and your target demographic

Via an interface or microsite

Up-to-date, complete, correct and relevant

Apps & Portale

Apps & Portale

We develop and maintain your online presence

We develop and maintain your portal, microsite or app, supported by our databank

guidle CMS

guidle CMS

Your control center for all channels

Control your content for all of your media centrally

Manage your channels (e.g. website, mobile, screen, hotel tv, etc.) centrally

Your own ads and third party ads