What is the difference between Media Service small, medium and large?
The effort required to place an ad in a medium varies depending on the requirements defined by the publisher. The following services take this effort into account. The customer can choose the service with the best price/performance ratio for her.
With a media service small, guidle serves all media
>that can be supplied electronically
> exclusively media with special requirements for the wording of the ads.
With a medium media service, guidle serves all media
>that can be supplied electronically
>including media with special requirements for the wording of the advertisements, compliance with which is ensured by the guidle editorial team.
With a large media service, guidle serves all media.
Also media
>that can only be served with manual entry
>with special requirements for the wording of the advertisements, compliance with which is ensured by the guidle editorial team
>that cause particularly complex coordination and control efforts.
It is therefore not guidle that decides which service is used to reach a medium, but the publisher through its specifications.
Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.
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Guidle AG
Marktgasse 8
6340 Baar
+41 41 766 95 95
- Introduction
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