Formal verification

What does the formal review / published status for release involve?

Published, for release

The formal review of the notification ensures that

  • the mandatory information is available
  • the information entered is recorded in the fields provided for this purpose
  • the categorization is correct
  • no objectionable, infringing or obviously abusive advertisements have been published

However, whether the service offered is advertised truthfully is not part of the formal check. It is entirely up to the provider and the buyer to decide whether and how they agree on a legal transaction concerning the service offered and how they regulate and process their legal transaction. Neither the contractual partner nor guidle as the operator of the network is involved in any way in the legal transaction between provider and buyer.

A) Advertisements entered in guidle
As a rule, the
guidle editorial team checks the advertisement and approves it. guidle has special control mechanisms that allow it to be checked quickly. This also ensures that the same standards are applied to all entries in the guidle network. By arrangement, this check can also be carried out by a third party, e.g. a local authority.

B)Imported advertisements
The data provider ensures the formal verification of advertisements imported from third-party systems. This is regulated accordingly in the contractual relationship between guidle and the third party.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


guidle | FAQ


Guidle AG
Marktgasse 8
6340 Baar
+41 41 766 95 95


  • Formal verification

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