Torrenthorn Sonnenaufgang
Torrenthorn Sonnenaufgang
Aussicht aufs Bietschhorn
Aussicht aufs Bietschhorn
Aussicht aufs Rinderhorn
Aussicht aufs Rinderhorn

Other events

Sunrise Hike Torrent (guided)

Torrent, Leukerbad

Start the day early and enjoy a unique sunrise on the Torrenthorn. The changing light conditions are breathtaking. You will be accompanied on this hike by a professional hiking guide.

Clothes suitable for the weather (it can get very cold on the summit)
Good shoes (Walking shoes recommended)
Possibly headlamp and walking sticks

You start the sunrise hike in the dark. On the way up to the Torrenthorn, the first soft rays of light then appear on the horizon. Depending on the clouds and weather, interesting patterns sometimes form in the sky before the sun rises, until the first rays of sunlight break through and bathe the mountain landscape in a soft light. It is an amazing feeling to experience on a mountain top.

FAQ / good to know
Not suitable for children under 12 years

For the cable car ride all subscriptions (Leukerbad Card 365, Magic Pass, Summer Card,...) are not valid, because the ride is outside the opening hours.


19/7/2024   03:45 h
26/7/2024   03:45 h
1/8/2024   04:15 h
9/8/2024   04:15 h
16/8/2024   04:15 h
Show All
27/9/2024   05:00 h
4/10/2024   05:45 h
11/10/2024   05:45 h
18/10/2024   05:45 h
25/10/2024   05:45 h


Adults (from 16 y.) CHF 50.-
Children ( from 12 y.) CHF 30.-

Price incl. cable car ride and small snack at the end.


3954 Leukerbad


Rathaus / Thermenstrasse 8
3954 Leukerbad
+41 27 472 71 71
+41 27 472 71 51


  • Other events

Target groups

  • Main target group: families
