Cooking, Food & Taste, Traffic & Vehicles

Bernina Wine Express

Bahnhof Scuol-Tarasp, Scuol

Bernina Wine Express. An enjoyable journey from St. Moritz to the Valtellina. Meeting point at Scuol RhB station.

Alpine panorama and wine enjoyment
Let the Bernina Wine Express take you on an enjoyable journey from St. Moritz to Valtellina.
Moritz to the Valtellina. Experience the perfect combination of Alpine panorama and culinary highlights.

Travel in the legendary panoramic coaches past the rugged heights of the Bernina massif through sun-drenched Poschiavo to Tirano in Italy. Wine has been cultivated here in Valtellina since pre-Roman times. Unique climatic conditions offer the best conditions for long-lasting and expressive wines. Your journey on the Bernina Wine Express takes you to the renowned La Gatta winery - the "Pearl of Valtellina". During an exclusive guided tour, you will discover the picturesque vineyards and the ancient wine cellar of the former 16th century monastery. Taste typical Valtellina red wines under expert guidance and get to know the culinary side of Valtellina over an aperitif and lunch. The Bernina Wine Express then takes you back to the Upper Engadine, spectacular views of unique landscapes included.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


To  25/10/2024   every Tu to Fr   06:00 - 20:00 h


from CHF 106.00


Info +41 81 288 56 33. fabian.schorta@rhb.ch.


Bahnhof Scuol-Tarasp
7550 Scuol



  • Oenology
  • Traffic on rails

