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Akku0001 Frontseite FlyerA5 v01 visualB
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HP Projektpage 800x400px sponsoren

Art, Man / society

"BEHINDERT" vernissage - barrier-free art project by SCHLAFENDEHUNDEWECKEN

Café 8610 im Stadtpark, Uster

Vernissage of "BEHINDERT": Inclusive, barrier-free art project on the topic of disability in society by Jasmin Polsini and Valentin Weilenmann (MYNT) at the Akku Kunstkiste Uster ZH.

Vernissage of the art project "BEHINDERT"
The art project by Swiss artist couple Jasmin Polsini and Mynt focuses on the challenges that people with disabilities face in society today and that Jasmin Polsini with her disability EDS and her life partner also experience on a daily basis. They artistically juxtapose the reality of their lives today with an inclusive social fiction. They have given themselves six months to capture experiences, feelings, situations, thoughts, metaphors and ideas from our everyday lives on hundreds of tiles, which then form two pictures. These will face each other publicly in the "Akku Kunstkiste Uster CH" and will be made accessible in the city park. The aim is to open up a space for thought that makes inclusion tangible and understandable for all social groups.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


To  5/9/2024   00:00 - 23:00 h

After the vernissage on 20.06.24, 19:00, there will be sporadic guided tours. Please inform yourself on:




Café 8610 im Stadtpark
Quellenstrasse 6
8610 Uster


"Schlafende Hunde wecken!"
Valentin Weilenmann
Konsumstrasse 5
8630 Rüti


  • Art
  • Man / society

Target groups

  • Open to all

Type of Exposition

  • Open-air exhibition

