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Logo ZES mehr als 40Jahre No 10 Quadrat
GK 24
GK 24

Kultur, Theater & Bühne

Acting course: Method Acting basic course

FEG, Embrach

Method acting has established itself as the leading acting technique worldwide over the last 100 years.

You want to:
- learn the acting method that has become established worldwide over the last 100 years
- act genuinely, authentically, credibly, truthfully, touchingly and movingly
- find your unique path to the character
- be able to put yourself in the feelings and states of a role
- develop your breathing and voice
- develop your body language in a motivated group of like-minded people
- organically integrate object work into your acting
- receive the tried-and-tested course materials and be inspired by selected video examples
- gain 24 hours of practical experience
- receive a certificate of participation
- Benefit from more than 40 years of professional experience

Then this course is just right for YOU!

What participants say:

"My journey will definitely continue with you. I am thrilled with how you encourage and challenge and help us to take the next step." I.
"Hi Marco, I'm still benefiting from your Playback Theater * course, which I've been on for about 10 years." H.

"Many thanks to you for the invigorating and instructive course, as well as your openness." E.

"I really enjoy the Method Acting course, I really like the individual work." S.

"experienced and implemented today. ... simply exciting with you in class. every word is right. thank you marco." R.

"Thank you for the interesting course. I'm learning a lot and I'm also happy about the good documentation that is available to us." D.

"By the way, I thought the lesson was great last time - I arrived dead tired and went home more alert and self-confident. Thank you for that!" A.

"First of all, thank you for getting me out of my comfort zone, your course was very helpful." P.

"Your training helped, Marco. A teammate told me it was "like real method acting". I told them I took method acting. They didn't know that when hiring me." A.

(The testimonials are anonymized for privacy reasons. Want more testimonials? Then read more on the website and on Google).

You want to know exactly. You'll find everything you need on the website:
- All the details about the course
- Testimonials / Reviews
- Online registration

What's stopping you?

Course Director: Marco Hausammann-Gilardi has more than 40 years of experience as an actor, writer, director and producer in theater, film and television. From 1986 to 1988 he was at Strasberg's Real Stage, with Ernie Martin (Artistic Director Actor's Studio Los Angeles) and at Actor's Studio New York (PO). He has been teaching on this basis and his practical professional experience since 1988. He is a member of the following professional associations:
- t. Theaterschaffende der Schweiz/Professionnels du spectacle Suisse/Professionisti dello spettacolo Svizzera
- Swiss Association of Film Directors and Screenwriters ARF/FDS
- Association for Film and Television Dramaturgy e.V. VeDRA

ZES Center for Development in Acting
The competence center for Method Acting in Zurich

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Bis  18.12.2024   jeweils Mi   18:30 - 21:30 Uhr

Wednesday: 16.10. / 23.10. / 30.10. / 6.11. / 27.11. / 4.12. / 11.12. / 18.12.2024

Time: 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm


The 8 lessons of 3 hours cost CHF 780.00 including course materials.

Payment in installments: The participation fee can also be paid in two installments of 2 x CHF 410.00 or four installments of 4 x CHF 215.00.

Combined discount: Register for further courses and receive a 10% combined discount on each of the registered courses.


Tannestrasse 95
8424 Embrach


ZES Zentrum für Entwicklung im Schauspiel
Marco Hausammann-Gilardi
078 880 50 51
043 535 57 40


  • Theatre in general
  • Actor

General achievement

  • Course confirmation / certificate of attendance

Type of training / education

  • Course / Seminar
  • Tutorial

Target groups

  • Also recommended for groups / companys
  • Also recommended for school classes (special offers)
  • Open to all


  • Crash Course
  • Basic Course
  • Brush up course
  • Developing Course
  • Advanced Course
  • Course for trainers

Class size

  • Minimum number of participants: 12 persons

Day of course

  • Wednesday

Lesson times

  • Evening

Number of course days

  • 8 course days

Number of lessons

  • 8 lessons


  • Course confirmation / certificate of attendance

